Get Your Glow On: How Dermaplaning Can Transform Your Skin Overnight

Dermaplaning: The Ultimate Guide to a Smoother, Brighter Complexion

Woman getting a dermaplane treatment

Dermaplaning is a facial treatment that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves gently scraping away the top layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the face. This can result in a number of benefits, including:

  • Smoother, brighter skin

  • Improved makeup application

  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • More even skin tone

  • Increased product absorption

If you're considering dermaplaning, here's what you need to know:

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a form of physical exfoliation that uses a sterile surgical scalpel to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair. The procedure is typically performed by a dermatologist or esthetician, but it can also be done at home with a special dermaplaning tool.

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

There are a number of potential benefits to dermaplaning, including:

  • Smoother, brighter skin: By removing dead skin cells, dermaplaning can help to reveal the brighter, fresher skin underneath.

  • Improved makeup application: Dermaplaning can create a smoother canvas for makeup, making it easier to apply and blend.

  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles: While dermaplaning cannot erase wrinkles, it can help to make them appear less noticeable.

  • More even skin tone: Dermaplaning can help to even out the skin tone by removing dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

  • Increased product absorption: By removing the barrier of dead skin cells, dermaplaning can help your skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin.

Who is a good candidate for dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is generally safe for most people with healthy skin. However, it is not recommended for people with active acne, rosacea, or eczema. It is also important to avoid dermaplaning if you have had recent sun exposure or if you are taking certain medications that can increase your risk of bleeding.

What are the risks of dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified professional. However, there are a few potential risks, including:

  • Irritation: Dermaplaning can cause temporary redness and irritation, especially in people with sensitive skin.

  • Infection: If the tools are not properly sterilized, there is a small risk of infection.

  • Scarring: In rare cases, dermaplaning can cause scarring.

How to prepare for dermaplaning

If you are considering dermaplaning, it is important to talk to your doctor or dermatologist to make sure it is right for you. You should also avoid using any harsh exfoliating products or shaving your face for a few days before your appointment.

What to expect during dermaplaning

During your dermaplaning appointment, the technician will cleanse your face and then gently scrape away the top layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair. The procedure is typically painless, although you may feel a slight scratching sensation.

What to do after dermaplaning

After your dermaplaning treatment, it is important to:

  • Avoid touching your face

  • Apply a gentle moisturizer

  • Use sunscreen every day

How often should you get dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning can be done every two to four weeks. However, it is important to listen to your skin and adjust the frequency accordingly.

Ready to reveal your smoothest, brightest complexion yet? Book your dermaplaning appointment today! Many estheticians offer this treatment, or you can explore home dermaplaning options with caution and research. Remember, healthy, radiant skin is always in style.